Bing Advertising Marketing Services

What are Bing Ads?

Microsoft renamed Bing Ads to Microsoft Advertising in April 2019. They merged Bing Ads with other separate advertising tools and services. So now, advertisers can show ads on both the Bing search engine and the Microsoft Audience Network, which includes MSN and many other sites.

Microsoft Advertising is essentially equivalent to Google Ads search advertising. Here's how it works: People enter a search term into the Bing search engine, and if the keyword in your ad matches the search term, your ad will appear next to or above the Bing search results. You can configure ads to get people to visit a website, make phone calls, or drop by your door.

Bing, as the second largest search engine market share, is far less popular in advertising than Google Ads, so the competition is small, the advertising cost will be much lower, and a higher return on investment can be obtained.

Serving Microsoft Advertising

1. Register an account

Please contact appdandelion customer service here

2. Create a campaign

Here's a great feature: if you've already done Google Ads, you can log in to Google Ads here to import all campaigns or specific campaigns into Bing Ads. The method is very simple, just click and select according to the requirements of the steps. Of course, you can also choose to create a new campaign.

There are a total of 7 types of advertising in Microsoft Advertising,

Includes: Expanded Text Ads, Dynamic search ads, Product ads, Microsoft Audience Ads, Microsoft Advertising in Bing Smart Search, App Install Ads, and Responsive search ads

①Expanded Text Ads: including three titles (Ad title), two descriptions, one display URL, and one final URL.

The specific delivery steps are as follows:

Create a new search campaign, name the campaign, choose the location, audience, and language where your ad will run.

Then, start creating an ad group, including naming the ad group, setting keywords, writing a slogan, setting a budget, and more.

The above steps are similar to Google Search Ads. Keyword types include broad match, phrase match, and exact match. There you can set a daily budget and a maximum CPC.

You can take a look at the interface for writing slogans:

The content you need to edit includes: final URL (mobile terminal and computer terminal), display path, 3 ad titles (Title), and two ad descriptions (Ad text).

On the left side of the interface, you can see the preview results of the ad above the search results, on the side, and on the mobile phone.

②Responsive search ads: The specific process is similar to ①Expanded Text Ads, except that you need to write multiple ad titles and descriptions, and then let the system freely display and determine the best effect combination. Up to 15 titles and 4 descriptions can be provided. The delivery process will not be described in detail here.

③Microsoft Audience Ads: This is similar to Google Display Ads. Based on what it learns of user interests, including search history, browsing history, page content and demographics, the system combines these signals with artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to provide users with highly relevant content and determine what to show advertise. The specific operation process is as follows:

Create a new campaign, select Audience Ads

Then create a campaign, set a campaign name and budget.

Set up ad groups: This includes naming your ad groups and targeting audiences by a combination of geography, age, gender, company, industry, job title, remarketing lists, and more. One of the more features here than Google is that it can be located through LinkedIn's professional profile, which feels very nice.


What you need to complete includes the following points.

Add an ad display image: After uploading an image, the system will automatically display a series of different sizes. If you feel that the cropping is inappropriate, you can click Edit and drag it yourself.

Edit the length and title of the advertisement, the slogan, the business name, the landing page URL of the advertisement's PC and mobile terminals, etc. After editing all, click Save.

For better ad performance, it is still recommended to create three different ads per ad group.

In addition, there is a tool called Audience Network Planner in the background. By setting different audience targeting combinations, you can obtain estimated group coverage, impressions, clicks, and monthly consumption.

④ Dynamic search ads:

Dynamic Search Ads look like expanded text ads, but they are automatically targeted to relevant search queries based on the content of the website and created dynamically in response to those search queries.

Dynamic Search Ads are best for two types of advertisers:

Advertisers with large web catalogs and ever-changing product portfolios make it difficult to manage search ads for each product.

Advertisers who are new to search advertising but want a quick and easy way to try it out.

Dynamic Search Ads are only available in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

The delivery process is very simple, so I won't go into details.

⑤App Install Ads:

App install ads are similar to text ads, but with the click of a button, the appropriate store is reached to download the app.

App Install Ads automatically detect the customer's mobile device and operating system and send it to the appropriate Apple App Store or Google Play. Advertisers can also track conversions using the same conversion tracking partners as App Extensions: AppsFlyer, Kochava, Tune, Singular, Adjust, and Branch.

However, app install ads are currently only available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, the UK and the US. And currently only supports apps from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in the US. Windows or Windows Phone is not supported.

⑥Product Ads:

Product ads use product-specific information (created in Microsoft Merchant Center) to determine who sees the ad. If someone's search query is related to a product, a product ad can appear in the search results.

Is this the same as Google Shopping Ads? Because the steps are basically the same, you can go to the Google Shopping Ads tutorial written before. Of course, you can also choose to directly import the already built Google Shopping Ads into the Product Ads here.

⑦Microsoft Advertising in Bing Smart Search

Ads of this type are only available in Canada (English), France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is a pay-per-click search ad that can appear in Bing Smart Search results.

The ad serving process is the same as the previous search ads, but the ad format has been tweaked to provide a modern touch experience. For example, a Bing Smart Search ad will include a preview of your landing page, as shown in the image above.

Regarding landing page preview, it is a core to effectively improve click-through rate and conversion rate. The following points need to be noted:

Microsoft Advertising periodically takes snapshots of your landing pages to create landing page previews. Therefore, you need to create the best customer experience on your landing page. Relevant, valuable, engaging content.

The landing page - heavily uses Adobe Flash or HTML5, otherwise it will affect the display of the preview.

3. Optimization of Microsoft Advertising ads

1. Keyword optimization

Only select high-converting precise words as keywords for advertising

Use more than two keyword match types per ad group

Use 5 to 20 keywords per ad group

View user search terms in time to expand negative keyword lists

Place keywords into ad slogans and landing pages to improve ad relevance

Improve Quality Score by continuously optimizing ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected CTR

Use Bing Webmaster Tools for more effective keyword recommendations

2. Advertising language optimization

Keywords should be included in the slogan, and important keywords must appear in exact match.

There are elements in the slogan that attract users to click

The slogan must be appealing, and numbers can be used appropriately

Create more than three ads per ad group

Ad landing page optimization

The content of the landing page should be original and free of grammatical errors

Beautiful layout and fast speed

Content should contain keywords

Landing page with Call to Action and online form

3. Ad landing page optimization

The content of the landing page should be original and free of grammatical errors

Beautiful layout and fast speed

Content should contain keywords

Landing page with Call to Action and online form

4. Specify the time zone of the ad

Bing has a really cool feature that lets you specify the time zone for your ads.

Using this tool, you can target your ads to reach users at the best time.

5. Use ad extensions

Microsoft Advertising supports ad extensions: sitelink, call, location, app, review, image, and callout. It is recommended to choose appropriate extensions according to your business type to increase your ad click-through rate and interaction rate.

6. Consider opting out of Bing’s search partner sites

Some of Bing's search partner sites are basically niche sites. Although they may help you increase exposure, they may also bring a lot of low-quality traffic. If you do not lack traffic and want to control traffic In terms of quality, it can be considered to be excluded.