Success case: Stylewe

Stylewe was established in 2015. It officially launched the StyleWe cross-border e-commerce platform for the US market in a B2C model. Through cooperation with internationally renowned designer brands, it provides unique and personalized clothing products to consumers around the world. In 2017, the company successively launched several fast fashion e-commerce brands represented by Justfashionnow for the international market, and gradually developed into a cross-border e-commerce retail group spanning the European and American international markets. The core advantage of the company is that it has a large number of global designer resources. StyleWe has built a direct-to-consumer website for designers, and at the same time helps designers solve all aspects of the supply chain such as production, marketing, logistics, and after-sales. The problems encountered are mainly aimed at three types of enterprises:

(1) Enterprises of traditional cross-border e-commerce;

(2) Emerging original brands;

(3) Independent designer brands, which mainly operate fashion designer brands such as clothing, accessories, bags, etc.

Promotion platform: Facebook

Promotion products: Web (PC+Mobile), APP

Promotion goal: increase sales and ensure ROI

Audience analysis:

According to the nature of the website, the unit price and characteristics of the product, the target users are the middle class aged 30 to 55. This group of people generally has strong spending power and is in the stage of pursuing quality;

After the initial positioning, analyze and adjust according to the effect, and make subdivided positioning including: marital status, income level, education status, etc.;

At the same time, the products are subdivided, and different styles target different groups of people

Material form: single image display + multi-image carousel

Promotion effect: Since the beginning of the promotion, it has been growing in steps, bringing direct orders of 20k+ and direct income of $3 million+; at the same time, it helps advertisers to break through sales records and expand brand awareness

About Appdandelion: focuses on providing international overall solutions for enterprises, helping enterprises to go global through mobile marketing, vertical industry solutions, etc., and creating an "enterprise international ecosystem". The service objects include consumer APPs, mobile games, cross-border e-commerce, animation , medical equipment, tourism and other industries.